CAROLYN WAGNER, MA LCPC - psychotherapist
You're here because you are ready to sleep well again.
You may have found yourself here late at night, once again unable to fall asleep. Or maybe you fell asleep earlier tonight but are now wide awake, unable to go back to bed. I’m guessing you’ve been working on this issue for awhile now. Maybe it got better for a little bit but then went back to how it was. Or maybe nothing you’ve tried so far has worked.
You’ve grown tired of spinning your wheels. You’re not willing to just wait it out any longer. You’re seeing how your struggles with sleep are impacting so many different aspects of life and you’re over it. Whatever it is that brought you here, I’m glad you found me.
You’re in the right spot.
How I work
At the core of my approach to therapy for insomnia is a belief that none of us are broken, and we can all learn to sleep well again.
People often find me after they’ve been suffering for many months (or years) with their sleep. For me, it took nearly eight years and endless futile attempts at other “fixes” before I found CBT-I. I had hit my limit and was no longer willing to try anything else that would simply try to address the symptoms I was having. I was ready to get to the root of the issue. I was ready to feel confident in my body’s ability to sleep again.
I believe that most doctors and therapists are extremely well-intentioned when they try to help us with our sleep difficulties. But I also know that chronic insomnia is a very unique beast, and what may work for other sleep disorders often doesn’t work for people like us. I also know that chronic insomnia messes with more than just our nights. It invades our days as well and leaves us desperate for help.
I am deeply passionate about helping people get good sleep because I know how terrible it is to go without. I look forward to helping you.
BA in Psychology - New York University (2005)
MA in Clinical Psychology - Illinois School of Professional Psychology (2009)
Licensed Professional Counselor - Colorado and Wisconsin
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor - Illinois
Telehealth Registry - Florida and Vermont
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) Certificate
Ready to get started?