let’s be honest:
Your struggles with sleep have taken over your life.
Sleep is an essential part of life and bad sleep interferes with everything. Your relationships suffer because you’ve become irritable and anxious. Work suffers because you can’t get out of bed in the morning or you’re tired all day. You’re worried about the toll this is taking on your physical health. Sleep is starting to consume you.
maybe YOU…
Struggle to fall asleep even though you feel tired
The evening is winding down, you’re feeling pretty tired and ready to head to bed. So you turn off the lights and lay down. And then it happens. Something in your brain switches and suddenly you’re wide awake again. To-do lists and regrets about the weird thing you said in a meeting earlier start swirling around in your head. You put on your sleep meditation, cozy up under a weighted blanket, and put on your sleep mask, but it doesn’t work. It seems like the harder you try to fall asleep, the more awake you become.
Find yourself awake in the middle of the night
Maybe you’ve been falling asleep pretty well, but then you find yourself waking back up once, twice, or 15 times during the night. Sometimes you’re awake for just a few minutes, but other times you can be up staring at the ceiling and listening to your partner snore for hours. You try deep breathing exercises, saying the alphabet backwards, and switching up your sleep positions but nothing helps. You finally fall back to sleep, only for your alarm to go off a few minutes later.
Wake up too early and can’t get back to sleep
You might be the one who seems to sleep pretty well, except you’re up for the day at 3am despite the fact that your alarm isn’t set to go off until 7. This isn’t sustainable because it leaves you exhausted by lunchtime. You’ve tried pushing your bedtime later, using blackout curtains to make sure not even the moonlight could be signaling you to wake up, and refusing to get out of bed until the alarm goes off. But none of it has made any difference.

I know you’ve tried everything, and I’m here to help you finally get some sleep.
Suffering from chronic insomnia is like nothing else. Other people don’t understand what you’re going through. It’s not just a ew nights of bad sleep. It’s not all in your head. It’s not that you’re doing something wrong. This is a real thing and you deserve real help.
Here’s the thing I need you to know: your body isn’t broken. I promise. It’s just gotten way off track and most of the advice that’s out there about sleep is probably actually making things worse for you.
I understand how horrible chronic insomnia can be because I have suffered from it too. I was never a great sleeper, but for nearly eight years after the birth of my third child, I could not sleep without some kind of sleeping aid. And even then it was hit or miss. You should have seen my collection of supplements, pillows, blankets, sleep masks, and noise machines. Things worked for a few nights and then didn’t. It wasn’t until I found specific therapy for chronic insomnia that I found sleep again.
You don’t have to face this alone. Take a deep breath, because help is here. It’s time to get back to sleep.
Let’s make treatment simple.
Reach out
Start by scheduling a free 30-minute consultation. This is a chance to share your specific sleep struggles, answer any questions you may have, and make sure that this particular treatment is a good fit for you.
Get to work
Treatment consists of five sessions, spread out over the course of approximately 10 weeks. Each session has specific goals and treatment interventions customized to your unique sleep patterns and needs.
See change
Research has shown that 70-80% of patients see improvement in sleep from this treatment. We will work together to fine-tune a plan that will help you maintain that improvement for years to come.
Ready to get started?